The Spirit of Christmas

December 2, 2024 / Motivation and the Writing Life / 8 COMMENTS

by Mike Martin,

Some people believe that Christmas can only be the celebration of the birth of the baby
Jesus. Others who are more secular think that it is a time to gather with family and good
friends to eat and toast the season. Some also simply like to decorate, or sing carols, or
drink eggnog. With or without the rum. Still others like to shop and wrap and give or
receive presents. Lots of presents.

So, who’s right? I think everyone should celebrate Christmas as they see fit or believe
or imagine. Or not celebrate like Scrooge or the Grinch, but remember how that worked
out for them. Go for Chinese food on Christmas Day or watch football or basketball or
just enjoy a day off. Do whatever you would like.

But underneath all of the celebrations is something bigger than religion or
commercialism or shopping or singing. There is something special that happens during
the Christmas season that somehow manages to bring a smile to almost everyone’s
face and for a few brief moments we are united in that feeling. I call it the Christmas

Peace on earth? Absolutely. Especially at a time when so many people are suffering.
Goodwill to all men and women. Don’t we need just a little bit, okay maybe a whole lot,
more of that? Kindness to strangers. Smiling at someone you don’t know. Giving a bit
more to your favourite charity. Helping out at a food bank or shelter. Feeling good about
yourself, your circle, your neighbours. Even for that brief period of time it’s worth it. One
hundred percent.

Children get the spirit of Christmas. They always have. And it’s not just about the
presents or the candy or the TV specials. They anticipate Christmas with a fervour that
only a mind that has not been jaded by the modern world can experience. And they
know that it is bigger than them or their family or their community. Even if they don’t
believe in Santa Claus anymore, they still believe in Christmas.

That’s the feeling that I have been trying to capture in all three of my children’s
Christmas books, including the latest: Princess Sophie and the Christmas Elixir. The
heroine gets a magician to make a special potion to bring back the magic of Christmas.
But Princess Sophie discovers that it was in her, and all people, all along. All she had to
do was believe.

Maybe that’s all we have to do, too. Forget about what we think and just believe in the
spirit of Christmas and spread our own good cheer all over the world.

Mike Martin is usually the author of the Award-Winning Sgt. Windflower Mystery series.
But he also writes children’s Christmas books. There are three books so far. The
Christmas Beaver, A Friend for Christmas and now Princess Sophie and the
Christmas Elixir.

Princess Sophie and the Christmas Elixir is available from Amazon all over the world.





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Image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay

  1. Children really do seem to understand what the holiday is supposed to mean. For them, the magic is still there, if I can put it that way. Thanks for sharing, Mike.

  2. This is said in a such a beautiful way, Mike. You truly have the spirit of Christmas inside you and shared that in your lovely Christmas book, Princess Sophie and the Christmas Elixir. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely words. May you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year! May God bless you and yours!

    Thank you, Elizabeth, for sharing this lovely post. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too! God Bless!

  3. Hi Elizabeth and Mike – all the best for the new book … sounds an ideal read at Christmas time, or all the time! 'Tis the time for being thoughtful and compassionate – apart from the thoughts you suggest … peace to the world and especially its downtrodden occupants … it's essential to find that Spirit at Christmas … cheers Hilary

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