
July 21, 2024 / Lit Links, Twitterific, Uncategorized / 6 COMMENTS


by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

LitLinks are fed into the Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine (developed by writer and software engineer Mike Fleming) which has over 70,000 free articles on writing related topics. It’s the search engine for writers. While you’re there, check out the Writer’s Digest award-winning Hiveword novel organizer.

Have you visited the WKB lately?  Check out the new redesign where you can browse by category, and sign up for free writing articles, on topics you choose, delivered to your email inbox!  Sign up for the Hiveword newsletter here. Follow the WKB on Facebook here.

 Just a quick heads-up…I haven’t been able to log into Twitter/X for almost two weeks now. X support has a ticket open, but they haven’t responded back since July 5. Sorry I haven’t been able to do my usual thing there! You can find me on Threads (elizabethspanncraig) , as well as Facebook.

The Top Writing Links From Last Week Are On LitLinks: Share on X
  1. I'm sorry to hear about the Twitter mess, Elizabeth. I hope it gets resolved. In the meantime, thanks, as always, for these great links. There are a few here that hint at the importance of breaking down writing tasks into manageable bits. I think that's one of the big lessons I've learned about writing. It's better to see it as a series of a lot of small steps.

    1. Thanks, Margot! Yes, it’s been one thing after another, ha. First my laptop in the shop, then Twitter issues. Fun times! And you’re so right…looking at writing as small steps is very helpful to keep from getting overwhelmed.

  2. Hi Elizabeth – always lots of useful ideas here … public speaking is just getting up and practising when one can and then doing presentations again as and when … cheers Hilary

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