by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig
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- 7 Dark Tales Haunted by Music: by Kate van der Borgh
- Short, Winter Poems for Long, Cold Nights: by Kelsey Gooden
- Stories that Twist the Bounds of Genre:
- 7 Books That Are So Confusing (In the Best Way): by Cameron Kimball
- Crime Fiction: In The Spotlight: Nishita Parekh’s The Night of the Storm:
- Dealing with the Don’t-Know: from Fox Print Editorial
- Should You Even Bother to Write and Publish a Book? by Lisa Tener
- “It Will Be One of the Most Ghastly Short Stories Ever Written.” When Dylan Thomas Tried to Get Spooky: by Nick Ripatrazone
- 5 Things Painting the Bathroom Reminded Me about Writing a Novel: by Sarah Welch
- Finding the Spirit of Christmas:
- Three Hidden & Lost Libraries and One Whose Books Are Still Growing: by Elaine Dodge
- Among the Sleuths: Looking for Answers at the Nancy Drew Convention: by Jadie Stillwell and Nicole Blackwood
- Writing in a Time of Dystopia:
- How do you write in times like these? by Daphne Gray-Grant
- Steven Pressfield : Don’t WIP It:
- 3 Ways to Remove Your Obstacle to Becoming an Author:
- Genre Expectations: Writing All the “Punk” Genres: by A.C. Williams
- Switching Genres, Thriller to Fantasy: An Interview with Rachel Howzell Hall:
- Teacher-Student Relationships as an Element in Crime Fiction:
- Winter Sports as an Element in Crime Fiction:
- Why I Write Silver Romance: by Lynne M. Spreen
- Top List of Romance Tropes to Inspire Your Next Love Story: by Dave Chesson
- France’s Publishers, Booksellers, Writers Back the ‘Culture Pass’: by Porter Anderson
- In Rome: ‘Più libri più liberi’ Statistics: Reading Rates Are Down Again: by Porter Anderson
- How to Write Irresistible Character Relationships: by Lynette M. Burrows
- Character Secret Thesaurus Entry: Coveting Someone Else’s Life:
- Shy, depressed, grieving, and adrift characters still need to be active:
- Five Common Reasons the Hero Is Too Powerful: by Oren Ashkenazi
- Are Heroes Obsolete? by Donald Maass
- Creature from the Black Lagoon Beat Sheet Analysis: by Don Roff
- What Writers Can Learn From Now, Voyager: by James Scott Bell
- “Nobody Wants This” – TV Pilot Beat Sheet Analysis: by Shari Simpson
- The CRAAP Test for Writing Advice: by Liz Gauffreau
- The 3 (Structurally) Most Important Characters: by K.M. Weiland
- Working with the Internal Plotline: by September C. Fawkes
- How to Avoid Author Intrusion in First Person: by Becca Puglisi
- 5 Mistakes New Writers Make in the Middle of Their Book (video): by Abbie Emmons
- Are Your Readers Frustrated? You Can Fix That: by Chris Winkle
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Thanks, Elizabeth, for these links; I always learn so much from the links you share. I especially noticed the one about writing in dystopian times. It really can be hard to focus on writing when things are upsetting, unsettling, and so on. I think that's true whether what's going on is personal or wider-scale. I think during those times, writing can be almost healing, if that makes sense.
It definitely can be. Writing can be a balm for the soul.