by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig
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- Editorial manners: by Josh Bernoff
- What to Look for in an Editor: Q&A Podcast with Michael La Ronn and Sacha Black:
- Essential Tips for Success as an Author in 2025: by Nicholas C. Rossis
- Five Post-Apocalyptic Novels Set on a Nearly Empty Earth: by Lorna Wallace
- 18 Novels Celebrating the Stories of Older Main Characters: from The Women’s Fiction Writers Association
- Crime Fiction: In The Spotlight: Ruhi Choudhary’s Our Daughter’s Bones:
- 3 Aspects of Managing the Clutter-Tidiness Continuum: by
- How Authors Thrive in a World of AI-Generated Books: by Angela Ackerman
- 6 Of The Oldest First-Time Authors: by Elaine Dodge
- Staying Afloat in the Roiling Sea of Books: by James Scott Bell
- No, your editor (probably) can’t make your book great: byJosh Bernoff
- Quick Writing Tip: Make a Note to Your Future Self in Your WIP: by Bucket Siler
- 5 Ways to Winterize Your Writing Life: by Jessica Strawser
- Perfectionism in writing: by Daphne Gray-Grant
- It’s Time to Interview Your Own Inner Diminisher: by Anne Carley
- Finding and Sharing Joy as a Writer: by Lisa Norman
- USA Pen Press: The Ghostwriting Scam of a Thousand Websites: by Victoria Strauss
- Publishing scams are rampant. How to be vigilant: by Nathan Bransford
- Character Secret Thesaurus Entry: Having an Addiction: by Becca Puglisi
- Character Flaws: Definition and 20 Examples: by Brandi Badgett
- Explorer Archetype: Everything Writers Need to Know: by Linda O’Donnell
- Wicked Beat Sheet Analysis: by Shari Simpson
- 5 Netflix Shows That Will Make You A Better Writer: by Elaine Dodge
- Six Moments of Contrived Grimdark in Popular Stories: by Oren Ashkenazi
- How to Foreshadow with Finesse: from Fox Print Editorial
- How to Ensure Your Story Has Heart: by Cara J. Stevens
- How to Explain Away Plot Holes – Believably: by Chris Winkle
- Frustrating Narration Choices: from Mythcreants
- The Art of Misdirection: by Kay DiBianca
- Show, Don’t Tell—But How? by CS Lakin
- When to Wax Strong on Interiority: by September C. Fawkes
- Creating Illusions for Your Readers: by Jessica Strawser
Key Methods for Direct and Indirect Foreshadowing in Your Story: by Tiffany Yates Martin
- How to properly use and format hyphens and dashes: By
Josh Bernoff - On Punctuation: by D. Wallace Peach
The Top Writing Links From Last Week Are On LitLinks: Share on X
Thanks, Elizabeth, for these links! I always learn from what you post. The one I especially noticed this time was the one about perfectionism in writing. I have to say I'm guilty of being a perfectionist, even in situations (like first drafts) where that holds me back. I'm trying to learn to step back during those early drafts and just let the story happen, but it's not easy!
I’m not a perfectionist myself, but I have many in my family! I think perfectionism can be helpful for edits, but you’re right that it could possibly hold writers back during drafting.That’s a tough one.