by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig
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- Planning a Conference: A Big Job and an Adventure: by Susan Gourley at The IWSG
- The British Book Awards Shortlists: 46 Small Presses: by Porter Anderson
- 37 Days of Shakespeare: Richard III: by Matt Bird
- Five SFF Short Stories Written as Instructions: by Ratika Deshpande
- 3 Books Helping Me Reset my 2025 Writing Goals: by Shannon A. Thompson
- 7 Thrillers About the Role of the Witness: by Jacqueline Faber
- Crime Fiction: In The Spotlight: Christoffer Petersen’s Katabatic:
- When You’ve Written Lots of Books:
- Writers on Not Writing: Kate Kaminski and Karen DeBonis: from The Masters Review
- What Nine Fictional Authors Would Be Like as Editing Clients: by Oren Ashkenazi
- How I used ChatGPT to catch a publishing scammer pretending to be John Green:
- Does learning to be a good writer matter anymore? Or will AI fix your problems? by Jacqui Murray
- 5 Big Truths In The A.I Debate Nobody Seems To Be Talking About: from Bang2write
- 9 mental models to help you write: by Daphne Gray-Grant
- Yo! Muse! by PJ Parrish
- Making Nice Guys & Girls Realistically Flawed: by Becca Puglisi
- Character Secret Thesaurus: Concealing a Sexual Identity: by Becca Puglisi
- Ways to Fix Writing Mistakes: Oversimplified Characters: by Ellen Buikema
- Understanding Evil Characters (and Writing Them Real): from Fox Print Editorial
- Why Chapters & Their Lengths Matter: by Elaine Dodge
- Diving in the Toolbox: Creating a Plot-Subplot Template: by Laurie Schnebly Campbell
- Should You Use Clichés in Writing Your Book? by Joy York
- 5 Tips For Writing A Great Chase Scene: by Brian Andrews
- Show vs. Tell: The Definitive Guide for Writers: from Story Grid
- Is Your Prologue Necessary? by Marilene Louise Blom
- How Fiction Writers Can Manipulate Time: by CS Lakin
- Beth Kephart: Writing About Yourself? Why Not Start With a List? by Beth Kephart
- 8 Author Tips to Avoid Body-Shaming in Your Books: by Paulette Stout
Thanks for featuring Susan's post at the IWSG on conferences! It was great to have a former IWSG admin back with such a cool topic.
It was a great post!
Thanks, Elizabeth, for putting these links together. I always learn from them – every time. I noticed a few here about AI, and I still haven't made up my mind where I want AI to fit in when it comes to writing. It can be a useful, tool, but the implications can be pretty scary, too. I suppose I'm in the 'tread carefully' camp.
Treading carefully sounds like a great way to handle it!
Susan's article about writing conferences was great and after experiencing Pennwriters last year, I can vouch that she does an amazing job organizing them.