by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig
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- Three’s A Crowd: 5 Small-Set Novels with Problematic Pairings: by Nick Newman
- 6 Of Our Favourite Children’s Writers: by Elaine Dodge
- Crime Fiction: In The Spotlight: Nick Davies’ El Flamingo:
- 7 Stories About Women Coming of Age in Their 30s and 40s: by Emily J. Smith
- Loneliness, Love, and Literature: by David Corbett
- How To Support Your Writer: by Margot Conor
- Designated Writing Space: by Sue Coletta
- Writing Advice From Authors: Do the Work: from The Writer Magazine
- 5 Proven Ways to Conquer Self-Doubt in Writing: by KM Weiland
- Don’t Send Yourself on a Guilt Trip: by Pat Hatt from the IWSG
- Giving voice to people who are often invisible: therapist-turned-novelist Michelle Tobin:
Too Intimidated (or Risk Averse) to Organize a Writing Retreat? by Amy Goldmacher
- Mysteries in Which the Solution is Not Complex:
- Why We Are Drawn to Murder Stories: by Gin Phillips
- What Happens When There’s a Crime in Antarctica? by R.S. Burnett
- Red Flags as an Element in Crime Fiction:
- Character Secret Thesaurus: Doubting One’s Faith: by Becca Puglisi
- The Ultimate Character Development Guide: Step-by-Step Process: from StoryGrid
- Character Growth Rollback: by Charles Yallowitz
- Using Character Occupations to Their Full Advantage: by Liz Gauffreau
- 7 Tips to Character’s Making Uncharacteristic Decisions: by Charles Yallowitz
- Including Themes in Your Novels: by Roberta Eaton Cheadle
- EASY AS PIE: The Art of the Simile: by Robert Rotenberg
- What Is a Framing Device in Fiction? by Brandi Badgett
- How Useful Are Kurt Vonnegut’s Rules for Writing With Style? by Oren Ashkenazi
- How Fiction Writers Can Create “Skewed Time”: by CS Lakin
- Relationships, Character, and the Unexpressed Longing: from Fox Print Editorial
- Should You Write a Series or Stand Alones? by James Scott Bell
- When writing a long-running series, it’s important to remember that readers want more of the same:
The Top Writing Links From Last Week Are On LitLinks: Share on X
Thanks for these links, Elizabeth. You always have such useful ones here! I'm glad there's one about having a designated writing space. For people with day jobs, it can be a challenge to see their writing as a profession, too, just like the day job. having that space is a good reminder if that. Plus it helps keep a person more organized.
It can be a great way to get into writing mode and stay organized, for sure!