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Create Sustainable Writing Habits

January 6, 2025 / Motivation and the Writing Life, Uncategorized / 12 COMMENTS

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Happy New Year! I hope you have a great 2025. I’m still trying to get beyond the feeling that “2025” is squarely in the Jetson’s category.

If you’re like a lot of writers, you might be looking at ways to develop a writing habit this year. Not all writers are routine-driven (sometimes routines can make people feel more anxious than less so), so be sure to change tacks if this advice doesn’t work fo you.

Set realistic goals. 

This is something you’ll read about over and over again online, to the point that it becomes background noise. But it really does help. I’m talking about a goal you could meet even on your worst days. 5 minutes a day, opening up your document on your device, brainstorming a list of characters or settings for 3 minutes, etc. The point is really the habit and not necessarily the output.

Have a dedicated writing space.

This doesn’t mean you have to have a home office. In fact, I’ve never had a home office in my entire writing career. It can be a comfortable chair or a spot at the kitchen table that you don’t usually sit at. It’s a place that, when you sit there, means you’re going to work on your project.

Become part of a writing community.

Connect with other writers through blogs, local groups, or online forums on Facebook and other social media. Having a support system can provide motivation, accountability, and valuable feedback on your work.

Are you the type of writer who does better with a routine/habit? If so, what tips can you add?

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Image by Pexels from Pixabay

  1. These ideas make so much sense, Elizabeth. I've found that if I choose small, realistic goals, my writing goes better, and I feel less frustrated at not meeting goals. And yes, a dedicated writing space makes all the difference. So does having a supportive writing community. Thanks for being part of mine.

  2. I don't have an office either. I tend to stand at my kitchen counter and work. You're right about the importance of having a regular schedule. I'm working on it. Happy New Year!

  3. Hi All, Happy 2025! I'm new to fiction writing, literally, less than one month.. and I love it. I'm thinking, whoa fiction, where've you been all of my life?? :) I'm beyond pleased to read the blogs and tips and be a part of this group.. and, I'm hoping to learn lots. Thx.

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