Book Business Concept Map

April 22, 2024 / Business of Writing / 8 COMMENTS

by Hank Quense, @hanque99

In the evolving landscape of the publishing industry, understanding the intricacies of the book business can be as complex as it is critical for authors, publishers, and marketers alike. A Concept Map of the Book Business offers a visual and interconnected overview of the key components that drive the creation, distribution, and consumption of books. This article delves into the creation and utility of such a concept map, exploring how it serves as an invaluable tool for navigating the multifaceted world of publishing.

What is a Book Business Concept Map?

A Book Business Concept Map is a visual representation that outlines the major elements and processes involved in the book industry. It highlights the relationships between various stakeholders, including authors, publishers, agents, retailers, and readers. The map encompasses several critical areas such as content creation, publishing, marketing, distribution, and sales, illustrating how these components interact to bring a book from idea to reader.

Concept maps are quite different from ordinary mind maps in that there is no implied structural hierarchy. Rather than the usual parent nodes and child nodes, with concept maps each idea is an independent box on the screen. Instead of hierarchical relationships, the lines between nodes represent direction, aggregation and flow.

Book Business Nodes

Creating a book involves a complex project that unfolds over a lengthy period of time and involves writing, publishing and marketing besides a critical element of planning. Sooner or later, inexperienced authors realize that their book is a business and this has a number of implications for the authors. These include business types, tax identification numbers, tracking income and expenses and more.

Book Business Creation

The ideal time to start a book business is before the first book is published. This can be before or after the manuscript is completed. Starting the business involves a number of decisions that will require research and thinking.

In order to provide a measure of understanding how all the book project elements fit together, I created a concept map. The map shows the relationship between the book (manuscript) and the publishing, marketing and business aspects of the book project.

To examine this whiteboard, go to:

I created this map using a software program I just discovered called Mindmup. I love it.

The first two paragraphs of this article were written by a AI program.

And check out my new website:


If you’re looking for help with fiction writing, self-publishing or book marketing, check out the resources on

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My website Writers & Authors Resource Center provides material relating to fiction writing, self-publishing and book marketing.

Create a Book Business Concept Map by @hanque99 : Share on X

Image by Dorothe from Pixabay

  1. I 've to see information presented graphically rather than lists or tables. This concept map is a bit complex and getting the arrows in the proper places and pointed correctly can drive one batty. Still, I like making them

  2. Hi Elizabeth and Hank – how very interesting … thanks for both the links and all the information contained therein. I'll be looking into them more deeply – great!! Cheers Hilary

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