by Hank Quense, @hanque99 In the evolving landscape of the publishing industry, understanding the intricacies of the book business can be as complex as it is critical for authors, publishers, and marketers alike. A [...]

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig Apologies in advance for the dry topic. :) But I thought I’d share my thoughts on organizing writing-related computer files, which has helped save me time and keep [...]

  by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig As if writing a book wasn’t hard enough, writers are then faced with the prospect of promoting it. Since any writers are introverts, this is a pretty [...]

by Elizabeth Spann Craig, @elizabethscraig I promised that I’d share an updated version of a checklist I use for my release days. The idea is to make sure that I’ve covered everything so [...]

by Hank Quense, @hanque99 Book marketing is hard.  This is especially true if you book was published by an indie press house or if you self-published it.  In these instances all marketing responsibilities react [...]

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig I’ve received several emails and a couple of Facebook messages from writers in the last few weeks asking me to post an update with my thoughts on different [...]