Twitterific Writing Links

November 21, 2021 / Twitterific / 10 COMMENTS

Bluebird with beak open and 'Twitterific Writing Links' by ElizabethSCraig superimposed on the image

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Twitterific writing links are fed into the Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine (developed by writer and software engineer Mike Fleming) which has over 61,000 free articles on writing related topics. It’s the search engine for writers. While you’re there, check out the Writer’s Digest award-winning Hiveword novel organizer.

Have you visited the WKB lately?  Check out the new redesign where you can browse by category, and sign up for free writing articles, on topics you choose, delivered to your email inbox!  Sign up for the Hiveword newsletter here.

Happy Thanksgiving to my US blog readers! I’m taking this week off to observe the holiday. See you back here in a week.  :)


The Top Writing Links From Last Week Are On Twitterific: Share on X
  1. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving break, Elizabeth! You deserve it! Thanks, as ever, for these links. I’ve heard a lot about BookBub, but haven’t explored it yet. I appreciate the push in that direction. It’s always good to know what’s out there and what one’s options are.

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