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The Path of Least Resistance for Writers

March 18, 2024 / Motivation and the Writing Life, Uncategorized / 12 COMMENTS

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

There’s an idiom that I often hear, that’s always bothered me a little bit. It’s about “taking the path of least resistance.” It’s usually thought of as being a negative thing. Merriam-Webster defines the phrase as: to choose the easiest way to do something instead of trying to choose the best way.”

I understand the negative connotations, but to me, taking the path of least resistance is something that often is the smartest approach leading to the best way.

Here’s a non-writing example. I know I need to exercise. I exercise daily, by taking the path of least resistance. I wake up in the morning, dress in my workout clothes, write, then go down into the basement to exercise. By doing this, I overcome natural resistance that I could feel if I need to change clothes later, or get in the car and go to the gym. Instead, I’m ready to go. The basement has an inexpensive treadmill and weights, which have more than paid for themselves. I have no excuses.

For writing, I have everything set up to make life easy for myself:

  1. I know my “magic hours“, my most productive time of day. I write first thing at 5 or 6 a.m.
  2. I know exactly what I’m going to write each morning because I have an outline to follow.
  3. I set reasonable goals for myself so I’m encouraged instead of discouraged.
  4. I never try to catch up if I get behind for any reason.
  5. I don’t check social media or do anything that will send me down a rabbit hole when I open my laptop. I dive right into my manuscript.

It’s sort of a matter of greasing the wheel. Just making life easier. Isn’t life hard enough without deliberately choosing a harder path?

How do you make your life easier for yourself? How do you make your writing easier for yourself?

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Image by Elias from Pixabay

  1. Oh, I know exactly what you mean, Elizabeth! After I wake up, I dress in my workout clothes, too, and I have my workout equipment here at home, so I just do it. It's easier, as you say, than changing, working out, showering, and changing later. Your ideas about writing make a lot of sense, too. I think of it as trying to find the most efficient, hurdle-free way to get things done, and it does help me get more writing done.

  2. Love this!
    I have my routines as well – and they definitely help slide me right into the mood for writing. I tend to do my exercise stuff first and that gives my brain time to decide what I'm going to work on with my writing :)

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