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Writer Self-Care for the New Year

January 2, 2023 / Motivation and the Writing Life, Uncategorized / 14 COMMENTS

Flowers and a mug with ZZZ on it


by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Happy 2023, everyone!

It’s always great to see the goal-setting and motivational posts that pop up around the new year. I find everyone’s energy and enthusiasm really motivating.

But in the rush to set writing and promo goals and tackle our new year, it’s important not to forget writer self-care. In fact, it’s probably especially important to consider taking care of ourselves right now. The holidays can be fun, but they can also be stressful. It’s also usually a time when we might be knocked off our usual routine in terms of sleep, exercise, and healthy eating.

Instead of going overboard on even more goals for the new year, it might be good to work in little bits of self-care into our everyday life when we can.

A reminder of the basics:

Sleep. We’re supposed to practice what they call “good sleep hygiene”: going to bed and getting up at the same time, avoiding screens before falling asleep, and getting out of the bed if we can’t sleep. I think the experts are still finding out how important sleep is for us.

Moving. I’m not going to call it “exercise,” because we hear enough about that this time of year. :)  As writers, we tend to spend a lot of time sitting down. I’ve had PT before exactly for that reason. Even if it means setting a timer to remind yourself, be sure to stand and stretch every once in a while.

Water. I find it’s very helpful to have a large tumbler or thermos of it nearby. Otherwise, I down it quickly and then forget to fill my glass back up again. Making it convenient is key for me to staying hydrated.

Filling the well. I feel filling the well is different for different people. It’s knowing what energizes you when you start feeling burned out. For me, it’s spending time by myself, with my to-do list out of sight. For others, it might be lunch with a friend, going out for a hike, or binge-watching or binge-reading.

How do you get back on track with self-care after the holidays?

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Image by Epsita M from Pixabay

  1. You are absolutely right, Elizabeth, about the need for self-care. So often we want to jump back into writing that we forget to set ourselves up for success. Things like sleep, hydration, movement and intentional eating are vital. So is, I think, resisting the urge to compare ourselves to others. Very often at the end of the year, people talk about books that they've had published, etc… and/or books they plan to finish/publish, etc.. this year. That can be hard to take for a writer who's spent the year getting rejected. I think it's an important goal to focus on our own growth and not compare it to what others do.

  2. I've always consumed several bottles of water a day.
    Yeah, I know we aren't supposed to stare at a screen before going to bed, but that's often when I read…
    Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year, Elizabeth!

    I love your list, especially the sleep part. Filling the well, for me, includes indulging in some passion projects, like building up a formal knowledge base/Zettelkasten. Fortunately, that involves a lot of reading, which I need to do anyway for this chosen vocation :-)

  4. Taking a break from, or cutting back, media consumption (especially news) is part of self-care. My word for 2023 is FOCUS. Spending too much time doom scrolling or in a state of FOMO (writers are naturally curious), dampens our creative output.

    1. Yes! I did that starting several years ago and found a noticeable difference in my outlook. Now I’ve gone back to consuming a little more, but only in print. I don’t watch it play out on TV. :)

  5. Such good advice! I need to figure out a way to sleep better. I've been working on it, but it's a struggle. My brain just whirls and it's a challenge to slow it down enough to get a proper sleep.
    Filling the well is such a biggie. We need joy and love and friendship and relaxation – gotta fit those in :)

  6. Hi Elizabeth – thanks for this … one reason why I haven't been around much … I've had commitments with committee and organisations I work with – then last week a personal thing … now I'm through this first two weeks I can move along … I feel easier not having 'rushed around' doing more than I need to do! I do hope you have a good year – I need to catch up … easily and simply as I can – cheers and Happy New Year to you and your family … Hilary

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